Weblog entry:
- Magnatune
Found via Slashdot, Magnatune’s tagline maintains that
[w]e’re a record label. But we’re not evil.
Donating fifty percent of all record sales to their artists, Magnatune allows you to try before you buy — stream their artists’ entire albums through your MP3 player. If you especially like, say, Vito Paternoster’s performance of Bach’s Cello Suites, then you can buy the album for an amount that you choose — anywhere between five and eighteen dollars. And the kicker is that all of the music you purchase is covered under a Creative Commons license that allows for all sorts of cool stuff — sharing, derivative works (get your remix on), and the like.I’m feeling like I’m in a Zen place once again.
- 28th day of September 2003.
- Filed under Reviews, Music.
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