Ethan Marcotte now blogs at Unstoppable Robot Ninja.

Weblog entry:

Some good news.

In 1986, the Supreme Court upheld the prosecution of two gay men under a Georgia anti-sodomy law in a 5-4 decision that focused on the right to privacy. In Thursday’s ruling, Kennedy said that decision was not correct when it was decided, and it is not correct today. Supreme Court strikes down Texas sodomy law

At least there’s some excellent news to come out of the Supreme Court this week. Here’s hoping that our nation’s finally getting more tolerant. Though judging by some of the dissenting quotes surrounding the ruling, it sounds as though there’s still plenty of work to be done:

The court has said today that morality — matters of right and wrong behavior — do not matter in the law, said the Rev. Rob Shenck, one of the [National Clergy Council]’s founders. That is an undermining of our concept of justice in this country. Supreme Court strikes down Texas sodomy law


Hooray, technical difficulties.

There’s a WordPress issue that’s currently preventing old comments from displaying correctly. Sorry for the inconvenience, but hopefully we’ll be back online soon.