Ethan Marcotte now blogs at Unstoppable Robot Ninja.

Weblog entry:

He’s been a busy boy.

We here at would like to tell you that we’ve been hard at work on the site today, building new sections, publishing new information, and wiping sweat off our brow as we get you the content you so richly deserve.

So we will.

First and foremost, the first of hopefully many photo albums has just gone live; they’re my pictures from my London trip at the end of March. Which makes me horribly tardy in getting them to you — Ethan is a bad content publisher, indeed. At any rate, please check them out, and tell me what you think.

Also, I’ve finally gotten off my duff and published two RSS feeds, for all your syndication pleasure; check ‘em out in the XML section of the site. I’m new to this syndication game, so please let me know if you encounter any problems with ‘em. Because I published these feeds to make you happy. And you are happy, aren’t you?

So glad to hear it. Thanks, as always, for stopping by.


Hooray, technical difficulties.

There’s a WordPress issue that’s currently preventing old comments from displaying correctly. Sorry for the inconvenience, but hopefully we’ll be back online soon.