Ethan Marcotte now blogs at Unstoppable Robot Ninja.

Weblog entry:

Coming Soon: Bulletproof Web Design

Everybody knows Dan Cederholm: pixel pusher, connoisseur of fine beers, Web standards ninja, abuser of cutlery. However, did you know that this renaissance man also writes books? Really! With words! On pages!

I know. It’s late, I’m low on caffeine, and the funny’s long gone—please bear with me.

As Dan’s finally broken the silence and announced Bulletproof Web Design, I figured I’d do the same. I don’t know what possessed Dan to ask me to be the technical editor on his latest book—those Cederholms like to live dangerously, I’m told—but it was easily the most fun I’ve had on a project in some time. As some have already noted, Bulletproof promises to be the other *cough* Hot New Web Design Book this summer, and it’s more than worth a spot on your shelves when it comes out in August.


Hooray, technical difficulties.

There’s a WordPress issue that’s currently preventing old comments from displaying correctly. Sorry for the inconvenience, but hopefully we’ll be back online soon.