Weblog entry:
- What I Did During My Weblog Vacation
Dear weblog,
How are you? That’s good, I’m fine. Things here at Camp Offline are okay. It’s been a summer of wonder and whimsy, and I don’t regret one minute of it. Among other things I started a new job, and acquired a roommate. I remembered just how important one’s family is, and how downright frustrating it is that none of them have cellphones. I also reminded myself and just how much I like that rock ‘n’ roll stuff the other kids are listening to. I bought three books, and haven’t finished any of them. I said good-bye to two close friends, and welcomed another back into my life.
And most importantly, little Timmy learned a valuable lesson: the magic wasn’t in the talking bike at all; it was in him all along.
Oh, I almost forgot: between arts and crafts sessions, I worked on a present for you…I guess I just decided that sometimes, quieter is better. Now, it’s not finished — it’d be great if you could keep it under your hat, ‘cause it’s still a bit rough. I made it with airplane glue, a rusty Bowie knife I
stoleborrowed from that Gustafsson kid, and the help of a blind man named José. Needless to say, none of those things are particularly good at ironing out Opera bugs, but I’ll try to sand down the rough edges soon.Well, I should run to this afternoon’s Organized Fun session — but I’ll write again soon, I promise. The best and worst thing about a summer vacation is that at some point, it ends.
Please send money. Hearts and bunnies,
– Ethan
- 23rd day of September 2004.
- Filed under Story, Web.
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