Weblog entry:
- 8-bit nostalgia
Stumbled across The Minibosses‘ website today; they’re a punk band
dedicated to playing NES music with two guitars, a bass, and a drum set.
I’d read about them in a recent Wired article, but hadn’t gotten around to checking out their site. I don’t mind telling you that during their Mega Man 2 and CastleVania 3 covers, the wave of nostalgia that swept over me was downright shameful in its geekdom.Perhaps even more pathetic was the bout of nostalgia that extended into the afternoon. Hungry to relive the days of a thirteen year-old playing entirely too much Crystalis and Kid Icarus to have a healthy social life, I quickly grabbed an emulator capable of playing old NES games. I’ve got Bit Shifter playing in the background, and Ultima Exodus in the foreground. All I’m missing at this point is the Jolt Cola and the breaking voice, and it’d be elementary school all over again.
- 16th day of February 2004.
- Filed under Reviews, Music.
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