Weblog entry:
- For reference
You remember the evening you both went out dancing, or trying to. In which you entered the first club you’d hit in months, and found there was no dancing to be had: silk shirts and unsmiling eyes, however, were readily available. Quietly, you stepped up to the bar, paying far too much for drinks you no longer wanted — however, once you found a corner to skulk in, the evening quickly saved itself. Soon you were both laughing as you did at work, griping loudly and unapologetically about then-girlfriends and then-coworkers. Road trips and grander plans were outlined, and you soon forgot about the silk shirts, the unsmiling eyes. You’d each sip from your drinks, laugh, and begin the conversation again.
When she went to the bathroom, you hurried over to the bar to replace your beers. When she returned, she saw the new drink and looked at you — angry.
- 09th day of April 2004.
- Filed under Story, Memory.
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