Weblog entry:
- Happy holidays
The wind is, at the moment, silent. If I lift my head up from my book, I can see my father’s Christmas tree farm sway silently in a gust that has just passed, flecks of snow rising like spray from an ocean of green fir. A warm cup of coffee in one hand, some excellent reading in the other, and life is pretty damn fine.
And I hope the same is true with you, wherever you might be. It’s been a fine, fun year, and one I’ll not forget for some time. So thanks so much for stopping by. Be well, be safe, and enjoy your holiday — I’ll see you in the new year, if not before.
Take good care.
- 24th day of December 2003.
- Filed under Story.
There’s a WordPress issue that’s currently preventing old comments from displaying correctly. Sorry for the inconvenience, but hopefully we’ll be back online soon.